这几天发现好多HEVC的视频居然在Win10 Explorer里面没有缩略图,一查才发现居然Win10没有自带HEVC解码器。

到微软商店一搜,HEVC Video Extensions,居然还要卖钱。微软真是…. 都不知怎么形容了。

网上搜了下,发现其实微软商店里面还有个HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer。这个是免费的,而且功能一模一样。

额… 还能说什么呢…




rm -rf backup.3
mv backup.2 backup.3
mv backup.1 backup.2
cp -al backup.0 backup.1
rsync -a --delete source_directory/ backup.0/






    1. Adobe Media Encoder
    2. Any Video Converter Free
    3. Handbrake

Here are steps to setup a user and allow the user access only via FTP (i.e. no SSH) and also limit access to a specific (user home) directory on proftpd:

1. Add new user: adduser newusername
2. Set password: passwd newusername
3. Modify user home directory from default to a new folder:

usermod -d /target/directory username

4. Edit shells file: vi /etc/shells and add /dev/null at the end
5. Modify newusername entry in the passwd file: vi /etc/passwd to add /./ before the newusername so that the entry looks like this:


6. Edit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf file and uncomment the line DefaultRoot ~

grep -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e 'pattern'
  • -r or -R is recursive,
  • -n is line number, and
  • -w stands for match the whole word.
  • -l (lower-case L) can be added to just give the file name of matching files.

Along with these, --exclude--include--exclude-dir flags could be used for efficient searching:

  • This will only search through those files which have .c or .h extensions:
    grep --include=\*.{c,h} -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"
  • This will exclude searching all the files ending with .o extension:
    grep --exclude=*.o -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"
  • For directories, it’s possible to exclude a particular directory(ies) through --exclude-dirparameter. For example, this will exclude the dirs dir1/, dir2/ and all of them matching *.dst/:
    grep --exclude-dir={dir1,dir2,*.dst} -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"

This works very well for me, to achieve almost the same purpose like yours.

For more options check man grep



目前感觉速度还不错~ 有海外虚拟机需求的朋友可以关注了。